Thursday, February 26, 2009


Lost in the latest mayoral public display of outrage against city electrical workers (Angry Mayor Don is upset that employees let a guy with a camera too near them while they worked) is the fact that the Plattsburgh Municipal Lighting District employees did their jobs, and well.
A squirrel got caught in the works and shut down power in the middle of a winter's day. That's kind of scary up here. MLD solved it, pronto. That was impressive, so I wrote this letter to my councilman, Mike Kelly:
I was already leaning this way, but today we had a power outage in our neighborhood, and MLD fixed the problem (an errant and now deceased squirrel caused it, we hear) within 30 minutes. We, like a lot of Plattsburghers, rely on electric heat. I hate to think what would happen if we had to go through a night, or several nights, without power.
A back of the envelope cost calculation: Do I pay $5 to $10 a month more, or buy a $4,000-$5,000 generator?
Those six jobs are a helluvan insurance policy.
Keep em.
I'm all for keeping paparazzi at bay. Pretty sure this could have been handled in private, though, no?