Sunday, February 22, 2009

Damn DVR

So I've been trying to catch up on college hoops, and wanted a close look at Maryland's Greivis Vasquez, a Venezuelan who mysteriously escaped the clutches of baseball buscones and fittingly is nicknamed after this guy.
And the general was magnificent, scoring Maryland's first 16 points and posting a triple double against North Carolina. It was a great game, down to the wire, and thanks to the magic of digital video recording, I'd been able to delay watching the contest and instead walk out onto the frozen expanse of Lake Champlain. Win-win! And I could skip through the commercials, too.
And then with a minute and a half left in regulation, the recording cut off, having expired at 6 pm, just like it was supposed to. But the game didn't. It had continued, into overtime, and through to a huge upset victory for Maryland.
I am fully aware that no televised sporting event finishes on time any more. Sometimes, I even remember to record the first 30 minutes of the following program. But most times, like Charlie Brown and the football, I trust the TV gatekeepers and their tidy, lifestyle-friendly computronic techmology, and keep setting myself up for failure.