Thursday, February 26, 2009

Blame it on Spitzer! All of it!

We need a correction, please. The story, about big bills coming due to local counties because the state has kept open near-empty juvenile jails, has a howler in it:
Borges said the state simply failed to adjust the rates when it should have, from 2002 until 2006, when the Democratic regime of then-Gov. Eliot Spitzer was in place.

Um, actually, George Pataki, a Republican, was governor from 2002-2006.
Spitzer, despite his many diabolical talents, had not yet mastered time travel to stage a coup and unseat Pataki earlier in the century. The Luv Guv took office in 2007 and was gone the next year. And Spitzer tried to close the juvenile facilities but was out of office before he could follow through.