Friday, March 6, 2009

D for Vendetta

The normally mayor-loving Press-Republican teed off on Don Kasprzak over his squirrel hunt the other day:
He took a mean-spirited shot at the MLD workers that might give casual observers the idea he's got it in for the unionized utility workers after being rebuked on the layoff plan he supported. The city's MLD crews are known and respected for their professionalism and ability.

Wait, there's more:
Kasprzak should have made sure that the standard operating procedures that the utility has in place will be strictly adhered to in the future and left it at that. Instead, he comes across looking petty and, yes, vindictive.

Would have been fun to tap the PR's phone line to hear the earful they got Wednesday morning. Oh, but wait, there's even more, from today's PR letters page:
Mayor Kasperzak's favorite thing to do, it seems, is to wring his hands and say all is lost, we have no money and that it is not my fault and we must cut; it's the people who don't listen to him who are at fault. The only things that the mayor promotes are the city's problems. Why would any business want to move here?

Wonder what caused the switch in tone.