Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Cooperation: What a concept

Read this piece on the beleaguered Crete Center from Steve Peters, who used to work for the City of Plattsburgh but was fired because reasons.

It contains good some actual facts, like these:
But, determining success by just dollars and cents is not the whole picture. As of 2017, in any given week during the winter, 1500-plus kids and adults would use the indoor field in at least four different sports. Almost all marketable hours were used, and dozens of teams were turned away.

Youth sports clubs have been created and have been hugely successful partly because of the ability to hone skills at the Crete. There have been dozens of high school soccer state final four and championship appearances by local teams. These championships were due to many factors, but certainly one of them is because of access to the indoor youth programs.
And some good ideas, like this:
The lesson for the Crete Center is simple: Don’t judge the value of its programs based on the inadequacies of the facility. With a proper financial structure and physical configuration, we can eliminate the financial burden, enhance our regional fitness and create economic development initiatives all at the same time — but it has to be a regional approach.
In 2017, 60 percent of Crete and Plattsburgh City Beach users were not city residents. These facilities have a positive impact on the quality of life of the entire region. A revitalization of the Crete and the beach can have a substantial impact on our community — it’s a property that has the potential to define everything we are.
Nice to hear from people who don't see things the same way as Mayor Despair and the coterie, who appear intent on quickly selling off the city's public spaces, not necessarily to the highest bidder.