Friday, February 9, 2018

A big win! And a huge loss

Kudos (no, really) to the Plattsburgh Common Council for voting to accept funding to continue the Saranac River Trail. These sorts of projects help create a place worth living in, and caring about.

The unanimous vote happened in no small part thanks to the persuasive arguments of Councilor Becky Kasper, who quelled yet another budget panic attack that could have doomed the trail and cost the city millions of dollars of infrastructure funding.

And then Kasper resigned from the Council, declaring quite eloquently that she no longer wanted any part of the current administration's "tyranny of despair."

I don't blame Kasper, at all, but this is terrible for the city. This happened on the same day that Community Development Director Paul DeDominicas, who's been in charge of handling nearly every major project on the city's plate right now, abruptly decided to resign. That's two more sane, experienced, open-minded city servants gone. Just like that.

To quote the bard Michael Ray Richardson, "The ship be sinking, and the sky's the limit."