Monday, April 6, 2009


Seems libertine Tricky Dickster Roger Stone has hopped a boxcar north, perhaps, as The Albany Project surmises, to perform his black arts for James Tedisco in the 20th CD count.
Will be interesting to see if he feeds talking points/insider info to the AP's Michael Gormley. In late 2007 the Albany wire-service writer seemed to get a heads-up on Stone's, uh, wet work, regarding Eliot Spitzer. In a Gormley story from Nov. 24, 2007, just five days after Stone sent a letter tipping the FBI to Spitzer's hooker habit and three months before Spitzer's downfall, there was this:
"He's done,” said Roger Stone, a Washington political consultant who worked on President Nixon's re-election and worked for presidents Bush and Reagan. “I don't think he'll be re-nominated.”

Of course, Stone, according to Stone, had a lot to do with that. If he's launched a sneak attack on the 20th race, though, it hasn't started well. A judge says they can start counting the absentee ballots Wednesday, which isn't what the GOP wanted.