Sunday, December 21, 2008


I don't know what sort of public servant Raymond Susice is, though today's PR headline, which says he "wiggles off hook", sure seems to want to tell me. In big letters. At the top of the front page.
What I do know after reading the entire story is that the PR doesn't make much of a case for wrongdoing here. Not sure what the problem is with driving home to see one's wife after a surgery, then going back to work. Nor with taking the Northway to Albany instead of using Adirondack back roads. Maybe the PR's frequent correspondents are telling them things that aren't making the paper, but as of now, there's no sign of the hook Susice "wiggled off."
There is something wrong with the PR editorializing so blatantly in a front-page news headline. There's also something wrong with jumping the gun on a high-dudgeon editorial. A basic journalism rule says, "When in doubt, leave it out." Adherence to said rule prevents gaffes like this:
An editorial on the subject of Raymond Susice's case and the delay in action on it by Special Prosecutor Andrew Wylie appears in today's paper on the Editorial Page, C4.
The editorial was written for the Spectrum section, which was printed on Thursday due to the high volume of advertising inserts for today's paper.
On Friday, Wylie's notification of a resolution to the case arrived at the Press-Republican offices. It was thus too late to update or in any way adjust the editorial's content.
The Press-Republican's Editorial Board continues to believe that the resolution took too long to be crafted and that some restitution from Susice is in order.

A review of the PR's policies might be in order, too.